Fans of all ages enjoy NOES!
Published Friday, November 10, 2006 by Will | E-mail this post
Will Sanders submitted a great story about his family enjoying the Nightmare re-release and also included some fun pictures. See below:

“The picture with Robert Englund is at the FX Show Convention in Orlando, FL. last January. Robert Englund is a truly great actor and person. The picture has me Will Sanders and my son Jakob. We are really big fans of Nightmare, as well as the horror genre.
I am a theater manager that devotes my whole life to films, and last September we got an email from New Line stating that the original Nightmare on Elm Street would be showing in Sarasota for two nights only. It is about 60 miles from where we live, but was well worth the trip to see the original. We got my Freddy Glove out and my wife Harmoni, my son Jakob and I took off for the show. It was great! Everyone clapped and applauded as the lights lowered and as the title came up. We all clapped when we saw introducing Johnny Depp and Robert Englund’s name on the screen. Seeing the film the big screen was just as scary as renting it when I was a kid. The collection of Freddy Kills was also great.
I just wanted to share our experience with fellow fans.”
so cute to see them together