Freddy vs. Jason Scream Scene & New Nightmare Demon
Published Saturday, July 22, 2006 by Will | E-mail this post
Freddy vs. Jason: The Scream Scene - coming soon from
Sideshow. Thanks to
Jed for the link.

Droothr from the Forums reported the following:
...later this Fall NECA will release a limited edition Cult Classics Series entitled Hall of Fame. This collection will be produced in limited quantities and is comprised of characters that were previously only available in deluxe boxed sets or in some cases we have sculpted new pieces to make some of the figures different from versions previously released. New Nightmare Freddy will be the shortpacked figure as he was previously part of Cult Classics Series 2. The difference here is the inclusion of the demon head from the end of New Nightmare. We sculpted this for the 18" version of NN Freddy and loved it so much we wish we had thought of including it back with the original carded release. This is a chance to do that.
Special thanks to Droothr.
a new freddy vs jason set, friggin cool.
i remeber sideshow also got the fully demonic freddy from FvS
its good that they made now another full-demon look from "new nightmare universe".
hey..they even made the stoner's mocking magott!!!