Paranoid's 3rd Issue Released Friday.
Published Monday, July 03, 2006 by Will | E-mail this post

On Friday, the last issue of the Avatar Press mini-series
A Nightmare On Elm Street: Paranoid #3 was released. Pick up your copy at your local comic store.
freddy gonna eat the dirt this time..!
freddy vs. goth-chick : the showdown yehaa!!!!!!
"webmaster will" would you talk to me please?
What did you need to discuss?
will you still there, forgive me i forgot to return
(the conclusion until fearbook:1:)
claire choice method was a failure from the start, i mean didin't maggie did the same thing in 1999 all was it good for is that freddy lost his control over springwood then lori in 2003 and now claire, how claire ignored that this method like all others is only effective to knock out his power-grid until,as stated in the end 6 months later recharged enough juice to finish off the his victors
(i guess six months was the exact time that passed till his returned after 1999)
the comics are awesome i liked how the writer referenced to the previous movies
hardening that that the previous events do count
proving your theory will,oh and you are genius really man
I wasn't that impressed with this series as I think the artwork is just too much... how many kids look like this??? Also, the story was a little weak, with people not even sleeping when Freddy appears - we'll see if FEARBOOK is better.
no will, claire pulled freddy out(yet again)into reality convinced the entire pop of teenagers
that he is really a sissy boy, his trapped souls escaped and ripped him apart,then
claire and her friend dreaming six moths later about their wedding then
freddy recharged enough juice, accessed their dreams and know
honestly i can agree with you, the finale is a little rushed.
-calling six-shooter revolver a shotgun
-the artist atleast should showed where claire and her lover were when freddy killed them
isen't the description says that claire survives to fearbook#1
the comics creates its own post-countinnum but it does states that all previous events did
took place, will i awaiting your response
they do sleeping,we aren't shown fully this but the bubble effect
i liked how freddy took ideas from the local rapper-wannabe (appearing as snoop dog pimp-fasion)
claire choices were arrogant, i am totaly with the parents solution,oh and i am 17 years old
claire pulling freddy into reality(yet again) is just another way to give him a punch into nose
(he takes a lickng,and keeps on ticking)
my question is now with freddy ghost form back in business, all those teens knowing of freddy
he can access their dream. it dosent matter i they all know the schematics
oh,will i forgot to say: happy holiday for you!!!
(i live in israel soo)
what i really didn't like about the series is that freddy in the end finished off
the heroes(or one of two)we all know that freddy sooner or later returns
why not just put him somewhere on the house of elm street to give us a sign
"i'l be back"
i love when freddy wise-cracks and the artwork is like razors through flesh
i really wanted the heroes to make out in the end, oh well "hell's 666-driver" decided different
"webmaster will" i have a
question, where is the nightmare-based website
that got all those deleted scenes
available? i can't find
it anymore
Two sites:
thanks will, i guess the first site merged with this one and the second is yet-to be released
Nope, these two sites are separate. had some selected deleted scenes hosted though.
great dude will, what do you think about "freddy's dead" movie
i love it, it also was the first horror movie i saw as a little boy
every time watching "freddy's dead" brings me alot of nostalgia.
i guess in my humble opinion teenage freddy comment: "the secret of pain"
is stop fearing and start fighting.
it kills me how many pepole are ruthless about this sequel,
i blame it on the editor studios who sliced the movie to shreds
its still a rumor but, there is further evidence that Avatarpress may lost the license
for new line products.
"webmaster will" i gone back about my statement of how freddy resurrected in the end
and it seems your stance about the story having a bit flawed mechanics seems to be true.
even if some of the other kids still feared him
there is NO way freddy could killed the main heroes(claire and her dude)
or you can fix this differently MR.Will?
its michael fan here:
Mr.will have you seen
this movie
"HOUSE 3: horror show"
my personal favorite
its very similar to freddy krueger
and offers some interesting
"how the power mechanism operates?"
I enjoy Freddy's Dead also. To my knowledge Avatar Press still holds the tie-in for the use of the Nightmare name & characters. Unfortunately, I cannot change anything when it comes to the story ending of Paranoid - but, would anyone expect it to end any way else? I have not seen House 3, though I know that series has a lot of fans.
-i started looking after the missing 10 years gap between the fictional 1989-1999
this site is more than i could ask for
i liked the survival horror approach in the avatar-comics
-the problem with House-3 is that it has a somewhat out-of-print status
this sequel is unrelated completely to the rest of "house" stories
standing as its own one-shot very similar to freddy krueger mythology
-about the ending of paranoid:issue#3 its just now hard to sponge due to all-kids comment
as if forging into steel "we are not afraid" its impossible for fred to return
mr.will dude, i noticed you included on "what is canon list?" wes craven's new nightmare 1993
isn't it takes place in alternate fiction universe???
just watched jason x, call me insane but it become a new addition to my favorite movies list
just finished reading nightmare:fearbook, pretty good in its own way
but this "final" issue didn't accomplish anything (little bit disappointed)
it still kills me how could freddy assault claire and her dude if they didn't fear him?
(its a logic-error, if there is any loophole i am care to listen)
freddy sliced the paranoid: heroes to pieces literaly and absorbed their souls
it make me hate him even more now
New Nightmare is still canon, even though it doesn't take place in the regular continuity. If New Line decides to continue the story in that continuity, it would still be an official story taking place within that universe.
I haven't picked up Fearbook yet, it doesn't sound too well written though...
i understand now about the one-shot "new nightmare" thanks
-nightmare:fearbook is actualy in its own intention very good mr.will but nothing more than that
(final one-shot didn't accomplish anything important but its my POV some others may like it better)
i am sorry for bringing this up agian, i know i am supposed to leave this alone but
the ultimate fate of our heroes is a MAJOR plothole
but in the end i will get over it like a macho man i am, and take comfort that
claire and karl shared their final moment and holded their hands together
"till dead ripped them apart"
funny how i develop a bond with those paper-paited/written pepole
this is one of the true strengths about :paranoid series i think
1)-they are not on hypnocil while the rest of the town is, forgot to bah!
2)-they were sleeping at the same time, coincidence bah!
(we are never shown where are they in current reality )
3)-the heroes made it very clear they don't fear him, yet he kills them
he could enter in but killing?
i remeber the writer jeffery thomas said not to put on him the true final battle with freddy
even though it was the last blackflame story...
nightmare fearbook 1: easy to love and hate, an end of the journey
an end wich isn't the end at all........
pulido is a ruthless jerk
i have this question Mr.will why do you keep on the upper side of updates the messsage
"there is nothing on freddy vs jason sequel currently" ?
its very obvious "new line gods" won't take this cross-over battle too far..i mean
FvsJ is already almost phenomenal
(temporaly fusing both myths together without harming
each other's time-streams)
making a sequel would make it ridiculos or its just me
being too strict?
MR.will please check this out (perhaps the paranoid continue in wild storm comics)
Awesome! Thank you so much for sending this link - I'll have it added to the blog asap.
You can also contact me through the following email address, instead of relying on the comments section.
i am sorry, MR.will but i am unable , you see my email is damaged and so far
i wasn't successful at reinstalling it properly.
these comment sections are my only way to establish a communication.
i was visiting this site for a relatively long time now, and this news-blog is one lucky break
wow seems some commando warrior wants to avenge the deaths of klaire and karl
qoute:"PayBACK Time"
oh and mr.will my question about the "freddy vs jason sequel thing"
i was bored sometime and done this:
throughout the sequels
freddy's body count by srtict on-screen is a little more than 30 victims
otherwise freddy's true kill count is unconfirmable thousands
According to New Line, not counting the deaths in FvJ, Freddy's death count is 1039.
Also, you can go to the Forums instead of using email.
You can find it @
Just create an account and you can talk with other Nightmare fans or use the private message feature.
kill count 39 its the only confirmable,
we don't know what horrific genocide freddy managed to pull of
within 10 years (1989-1999)